Upcoming Workshop:
‘Training on fruits and nuts processing technologies’
TU Osh, Kyrgyzstan
5th to 6th June 2024

On 5th and 6th June partners of the SUFACHAIN consortium will give a two-day training on fruits and nuts processing technologies to be held at Osh Technological University, Kyrgyzstan.
The training will provide training and information on
- Processing and drying technologies,
- Quality control measures,
- Control of infections pests of dried fruits and berries,
- Processing of food waste.
The training is part of the research and innovation project ‘Promoting sustainable land management through product, process and SME development in agroforestry value chains of Central Asia (SUFACHAIN)’. As part of the project, products and technologies are developed that aim to contribute to the sustainable use of resources and enhance the quality of dried fruits in particular for creating local value.
During the training we will have access to the laboratory facilities of the department “Technology of Processing of Agricultural Products” of Osh Technological University meeting European standards for food and processing. Costs for transport, accommodation and food will be covered by project.
The training will be conducted by Associate Prof. Dr. Smanalieva J.N., Associate Prof., k.t.s. J.K. Irmatova, Ph.D., and k b.s. Israilova G. C. Costs for transport, accommodation and food will be covered by the project.
Citizens of Kyrgyzstan with orchards or processing plants are invited to participate. Please let us know about participation by filling out this form https://forms.gle/Uq8PcpFVGqf4KoJ89
by 05/20/2024. The training will be held in Kyrgyz language.