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Author: CursoW_Admin

Online workshop: on Feasibility study outcomes for an agroforestry carbon sequestration project in Kyrgyzstan

Online workshop: on Feasibility study outcomes for an agroforestry carbon sequestration project in Kyrgyzstan

6 February 2025, 11 am CET


On 6th February 2025 our partner Sustainable AG will organise a webinar to present a feasibility study for an agroforestry carbon sequestration project in the context of Kyrgyzstan. This is a follow up of the workshop that was held in December 2023 to present different carbon sequestration measures for agroforestry systems in Central Asia (you can find the recordings of this event here). The workshop will be held in English, simultaneous translation into Russian will be provided.

Please register via the link  

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Final conference of the CLIENT II program in Berlin 

Final conference of the CLIENT II program in Berlin

9th December 2024

Photo 1 (from left to right): Roland Keil (DLR), Prof. Florian Wichern (HSRW), Prof. Dietrich Darr (HSWT), Dr. Jannike van Bruggen (HSRW), Dr. Peter Liebelt (CASIB), Philip Schierning (HSRW), Photo credit ©Schierning

From November 28-29, 2024, the final conference of the CLIENT II funding program of the BMBF took place in Berlin.

As part of this funding program, the SUFACHAIN project was represented by Prof. Darr, Dr. van Bruggen, Prof. Wichern and Mr. Schierning. Project coordinator Dr. van Bruggen presented the SUFACHAIN project in the session on ‘How can project results be made sustainable?’, highlighting the importance of dedicated local partners and of the early involvement of value chain actors in the research project.

Illustrative material from work package 2 (fruit balls and fruit bars) and work package 3 (walnut shells and peeling products with walnut shells and apricot kernel shells) were exhibited and work package 1 provided pictures from the field.

Photo 2: Project coordinator Dr. van Bruggen presenting the SUFACHAIN project (©adelphi research gGmbH)

Photo 3: First output of the SUFACHAIN project exposed at the conference: Fruit balls and fruit bars of dried apricots and peeling samples using walnut and apricot kernel shells (©adelphi research gGmbH)

Photo 4: Prof. Wichern and Dr. van Bruggen in discussion with Roland Keil of the project management agency DLR (©adelphi research gGmbH)

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“Regional Forum” and “Bio-Expo – Central Asia 2024”

“Regional Forum” and “Bio-Expo – Central Asia 2024”

– Organic is an ambassador of peace –

Bishkek, September 20 to 22, 2024


For the first time, a large-scale event was held in Bishkek, bringing together all Central Asian countries including Mongolia for advocating the systematic promotion of organic and regenerative agriculture, the preservation of biocultural diversity of mountain regions and the sustainable development of the agricultural sector of Central Asian countries.

To develop mechanisms for systematic practical interaction between expert communities, control bodies, standardisation, certification, etc. related to organic farming in Central Asian countries, the Forum participants decided to create a Regional Alliance (Regional Council) in the spirit of cooperation and equality – an important and timely action by experts from independent organic organizations. The Regional Alliance is created as an international organization to promote peace, good neighbourly relations, organic farming (its standards and certification), consistent harmonization and synchronization of national legislation related to organic farming of all Central Asian countries and Mongolia.

SUFACHAIN Work Package 4 that focuses on organic supply chain integrity and the support of small farmer organizations’ Internal Control Systems (ICS) through software solutions ‘Check Organic’ and ‘Group Integrity’ was represented by two presentations held by Mr. Almanbet Nurlan uulu about ‘export market development’ and Mr. Gerald A. Herrmann about ‘How digitalisation supports control, certification and integrity of organics’. At the high-level opening session featuring a video address of the President of Kyrgyzstan, representatives of ministries and agencies as well as of international organisations such as OSCE, FAO, Aga Khan Foundation, GIZ, Mr. Herrmann delivered a welcome address as past president of IFOAM – Organics International.

In the year 2025, the event will take place in Kazakhstan to rotate in the following years across the other Central Asian countries and Mongolia.

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Successful farmer and processor training on fruits and nuts processing technologies in Osh, Kyrgyzstan

Successful farmer and processor training on fruits and nuts processing technologies in Osh, Kyrgyzstan


Photo1: Workshop participants and trainers at Osh Technological University (© Jamila Smanalieva)

On 5th and 6th June research partners of the SUFACHAIN project from the Technical University Dresden and the Kyrgyz State Technical University (KSTU), in collaboration with local colleagues from Osh Technological University have conducted a training for farmers and fruit and nut processors in Osh, Kyrgyzstan.

The two-day workshop aimed at training nut and fruit value chain actors from southwestern Kyrgyzstan on processing and drying technologies, quality control measures, control of infections pests of dried fruits and berries, and processing of food waste.

A total of 22 participants from Osh, Batken and Jalalabad regions participated actively in the training. During the training participants had access to the laboratory facilities of the department “Technology of Processing of Agricultural Products” of Osh Technological University meeting European standards for food and processing.

The training was part of the research and innovation project ‘Promoting sustainable land management through product, process and SME development in agroforestry value chains of Central Asia (SUFACHAIN)’. As part of the project, products and technologies are developed that aim to contribute to the sustainable use of resources and enhance the quality of dried fruits in particular for creating local value.

Photo 2: SUFACHAIN researcher Dr. Jamila Smanalieva from TU Dresden (Germany) explains how to safely process raw fruits to fruit juices (© Meerim Tynarbekova)

Photo 3: Workshop participants are actively engaging in the discussions (©Meerim Tynarbekova)

Photo 4: The training also included laboratory practices on food safety (© Jamila Smanalieva)

Photo 5: The team of trainers is discussing the material (© Jamila Smanalieva)

Photo 6: The training manual that was handed out to all participants (© Jamila Smanalieva)

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SUFACHAIN researchers at the Tropentag Conference 2024

SUFACHAIN researchers at the Tropentag Conference 2024


Photo: Nele Vahrenhorst, Jannike van Bruggen, Florian Wichern, Binal Dobariya, Emil Begimkulov at the Tropentag 2024

A group of researchers of the SUFACHAIN project have participated in this year’s Tropentag 2024 – ‘Exploring opportunities… for managing natural resources and a better life for all’.

Emil Begimkulov (PhD candidate under work package 5 – monetization of ecosystem services) contributed to a poster session presenting his work on Consumer preferences and willingness to pay for certified dried fruits and nuts in Central Asia.

Binal Dobariya (work package 3 – use of waste streams), PhD candidate at the Rhine-Waal University, presented her findings in an oral presentation on Utilisation of nut and fruit processing byproducts for sustainable cosmetic formulations: A pathway to microplastic-free beauty products.

Photo: Binal Dobariya presenting at the Tropentag 2024 (©Nele Vahrenhorst)

Jannike van Bruggen (SUFACHAIN project coordinator at Rhine-Waal University) presented preliminary findings on the adaptive capacity of apricot farming communities in Kyrgyzstan to climate change and resulting water variability.

Photo: Jannike van Bruggen presenting at the Tropentag 2024 (©Binal Dobariya)

The conference took place from September 11-13 at the BOKU in Vienna with scientists from all over the world. Abstracts and presentations can be found here.

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SUFACHAIN represented at IUFRO World Congress in Stockholm

SUFACHAIN represented at IUFRO World Congress in Stockholm


On 28th June, doctoral student Philip Schierning presented his research at the IUFRO World Congress in Stockholm. His talk discussed agroforestry systems as a resilient land use strategy for Central Asia on the example of apricot orchards in Southwestern Kyrgyzstan. Despite the conference size with more than 4000 participants, other presentations on the Central Asian context were scarce highlighting the importance of SUFACHAIN’s work in the region! The presentation can be found in our public library.

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Upcoming Workshop:

Upcoming Workshop:

‘Training on fruits and nuts processing technologies’

TU Osh, Kyrgyzstan

5th to 6th June 2024

On 5th and 6th June partners of the SUFACHAIN consortium will give a two-day training on fruits and nuts processing technologies to be held at Osh Technological University, Kyrgyzstan.

The training will provide training and information on

  • Processing and drying technologies,
  • Quality control measures,
  • Control of infections pests of dried fruits and berries,
  • Processing of food waste.

The training is part of the research and innovation project ‘Promoting sustainable land management through product, process and SME development in agroforestry value chains of Central Asia (SUFACHAIN)’. As part of the project, products and technologies are developed that aim to contribute to the sustainable use of resources and enhance the quality of dried fruits in particular for creating local value.

During the training we will have access to the laboratory facilities of the department “Technology of Processing of Agricultural Products” of Osh Technological University meeting European standards for food and processing. Costs for transport, accommodation and food will be covered by project.

The training will be conducted by Associate Prof. Dr. Smanalieva J.N., Associate Prof., k.t.s. J.K. Irmatova, Ph.D., and k b.s. Israilova G. C. Costs for transport, accommodation and food will be covered by the project.

Citizens of Kyrgyzstan with orchards or processing plants are invited to participate. Please let us know about participation by filling out this form 

by 05/20/2024. The training will be held in Kyrgyz language.

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SUFACHAIN project workshop in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

SUFACHAIN project workshop in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Tashkent, Uzbekistan, April 25-26th April 2024

On 25th and 26th April, 16 scientists, five entrepreneurs and representatives from four civil society organizations from Germany and Central Asia participated at the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers Institute (TIIAME), National Research University, Uzbekistan, for the workshop of the SUFACHAIN project.

The SUFACHAIN project is a collaborative effort between universities, research institutions, NGOs, and agribusiness SMEs in Germany, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The project intends to promote sustainable land management and agroforestry value chains in Central Asia by developing knowledge and technologies aimed at increasing the profitability, resource efficiency, and product quality in the cultivation, processing and marketing for a variety of fruits and nuts.

The workshop was opened with welcome addresses presented by Otabek Mahkamov, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Prof. Dr. Bakhadir Mirzaev, Rector of TIIAME, Prof. Dr. Dilfuza Egamberdieva of TIIAME, Zokir Rakhimov of the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection & Climate Change of Uzbekistan, Prof. Dr. Dietrich Darr of Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences (HSRW), Germany. During the event, participants engaged in structured discussions reviewing the overall research agenda and progress and existing constraints. Additionally, respective working groups comprising of scientific experts (including HSRW, TU Dresden, I. Razzakov Kyrgyz State Technical University, Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, Uzbek National University, industry partners (Organic Services GmbH, KAFLU, DANECO, Altyn Bak LLC, Global Agro Trade and Logistics Centre LLC) and international organizations (Aga Khan Foundation, GIZ, UNDP, KIVA / KRASS and World Agroforestry Center) discussed opportunities for mutual contribution to collectively achieve sustainable development in Central Asia through the adoption of innovative agroforestry systems. Further project funding opportunities were highlighted by Dr. Peter Liebelt from CASIB.

After completion of the workshop, with support of local partners, the research group from Germany and Central Asia visited several agroforestry sites and corresponding value chains in the Fergana Valley region of Uzbekistan. Participants gained firsthand insight into the operations and processes of fruit and nut production, including apples, apricots, peach, and grapes. Lastly, an organic farming facility was visited as an example for contemporary agroforestry practice in the Fergana Valley region for papaya, kiwi, olives, lavender and the production of medicinal plants. The excursion allowed the group to identify experimental sites for further research to foster sustainable land management within the scope of agroforestry practices in Central Asia.

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Event Workshop in Tashkent

Scientific Conference ‘Sustainable Agroforestry Value Chains of Nut and Fruit Systems in Central Asia’, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 25th April 2024

In the context of the annual SUFACHAIN project meeting, we are organising a scientific conference on ‘Sustainable Agroforestry Value Chains of Nut and Fruit Systems in Central Asia’.

The conference will take place on 25th April at the Institute of Fundamental and Applied Research, National Research University TIIAME in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Among others, our PhD researchers will present their preliminary results and research plans within the SUFACHAIN project.

In the afternoon we want to use the opportunity and discuss research perspectives in sustainable agroforestry value chains in Central Asia with different stakeholders from Uzbekistan.

A preliminary programme can be found here: Download PDF

If you are interested to join, please register here before 19th April : Registration

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Successful Webinar on Carbon Certification in Agroforestry Systems in Central Asia

Successful Webinar on Carbon Certification in Agroforestry Systems in Central Asia

22 January 2024

On 12 December 2023 we organised a webinar on carbon certification for agroforestry systems in Central Asia, which was attended by around 40 people from across Central Asia. The webinar was conducted with the support of colleagues from Sustainable AG, Dr. Rainer Nerger and Clara Larissa Wriesnegger, who provided an introduction into agroforestry systems and carbon sequestration in Central Asia and gave an overview of commonly used carbon calculation methods and carbon standard certifications. An excel tool was presented that can help decision makers to select adequate carbon calculation methods for their own work.

Recordings of the webinar can be found here (introduction in Russian, presentations in English). Presentations of the webinar can be accessed here.

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